Written By:
Bob Stanley, Pete Wiggs
None Identified
None Identified
Recorded at: Gerard Johnson's Forest Hill Cubby Hole
Recorded: Summer 1996
Released: Feb 1997
"A Slavic Beauty With A Rose Between Her Teeth was "done" last summer in Forest Hill while the Olympics were on and was inspired by eastern European gymnasts. It was meant to be part of an on-going instrumental album 'Asleep At The Wheels Of Steel' which will eventually be released with a Roger Dean triple sleeve. It will include the legendary 'Hobbit Trilogy'. No it won't." Bob Stanley, 1997.
"A line from a Pavement song inspired the title, written a good few years before Ana Ivanovic swanned on to Centre Court. This was recorded at Gerard Johnson's Forest Hill cubby hole with Dot Allison in mind. No one can remember if she was informed of this fact, but she seemed to quite like it, thus damning it with faint praise." Bob Stanley, 2007.
No additional credits identified
No mixes have been issued