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January 2021
January 31, 2021

Malmo Sweden 1997

Bob and I intently scanning an arcane journal, probably for lyrical inspiration, while Sarah takes a much earned break from singing (and us) at Tambourine Studios in Malmo

Pete Wiggs - January 2021

I'm not 100% sure what I'm reading in this photo, probably an Armistead Maupin book as I was a little bit addicted at the time! Tore was probably hard at work tinkering with a drum sound or something. I remember him putting the bass drum in a box to record it one day. Nifty!

Sarah Cracknell - January 2021

Photograph by Paul Kelly

(goodhumor, therecordingprocess, at, tambourinestudios, malmo, sweden, petewiggs, sarahcracknell, bobstanley, with, torejohansson, and, armisteadmaupin, thearmisteadmaupin, ericaamerica, dutchtv, goodnightjack, woodcabin, saintetienne)

January 30, 2021


Photograph by Paul Kelly

(bobpeteandsarah, bobstanley, petewiggs, sarahcracknell, by, paulkelly, paulkellyfilm, london, 2002, finisterre, stopandthinkitover, action, newthing, prada)

January 29, 2021 (8 Photos)

Home Counties 2017

What's your favourite song from this one?

(homecounties, arecordby, bobpeteandsarah, releasedon, heavenlyrecordings, HVNLP139, in, 2017, withartworkby, scottking, scottkingstudio, madeincollabotationwith, carwynellis, shawnlee, shawnlee63, augustus, kerokerobonito, richardx, richardxbm, expectanewalbumfrom, saintetienne, thisyear)

January 28, 2021 (3 Photos)

Nothing Can Stop Us

(nothingcanstopus, nmemagazine, nme, advert, 1991, singleoftheweek, on, heavenlyrecordings, hvn9, britishlioneggs, egg-recipies, bobpetesarah, saintetienne)

January 27, 2021

Tambourine Studios - Malmo

This picture brings back happy memories of recording Good Humor at Tambourine Studios in Malmo with Tore Johansson. Fun times!

Sarah Cracknell - January 2021

Photograph by Paul Kelly

(sarahcracknell, saintetienne, at, tambourinestudios, malmö, sweden, by, paulkelly, paulkellyfilm, with, debseywykes, jezwilliamsdoves, rocking_bob, needhamsound, torejohansson, gerardjohnson, rasmuskihlberg, rickenbacker, rickenbacker360F, levinacoustic, hammondorgan, goodhumor, bobpetesarah)

January 26, 2021

Kings Cross

This would have been taken in late summer 1995. I spent a whole day with the band wandering around various locations in London taking pictures to promote their forthcoming compilation album Too Young To Die. We set off from Primrose Hill and ended up in Kings Cross where I took this shot. I'm pretty sure it's the same street we used in the Hobart Paving video. It was a beautiful little road that was sadly demolished to make way for the Eurostar.

Paul Kelly - January 2021

Photograph by Paul Kelly

(saintetienne, bobpetesarah, kingscross, kingsx, london, photographedby, paulkelly, paulkellyfilm, for, tooyoungtodie, beforethe, eurostar, wearing, oxfam, fredperry, wrangler)

January 25, 2021 (Three Photos)

Going Underground

Bob and Pete at Tufnell Park tube station from the shoot that featured on the back cover of the Nothing Can Stop Us 12 Inch remix single.

Photography by Joe Dilworth

(bobandpete, saintetienne, tufnellpark, london, northlondon, bobstanley, rocking-bob, petewiggs, needhamsound, by, joedilworth, lament.for.cement, for, nothingcanstopus, speedwell, 3dtiger, londonunderground, londontube, chesneyhawkes, goingunderground)

January 24, 2021

Aspect Ratio - a Saint Etienne playlist by Pete Wiggs

A selection of cinematic sounds from the Saint Etienne catalogue, close your eyes and let the pictures come to you! Follow the link in the bio and listen now. We'll be updating this playlist over the coming months as more songs come to spotify, or we think of different songs to include.

Pete Wiggs - January 2021

Cover art by Paul Kelly

(aspectratio, an, everevolving, spotify, playlist, by, petewiggs, cinema, cinematicsounds, soundtrack, sountracks, toa, film, thatisyettobemade, withcoverartby, paulkelly, paulkellyfilm, finisterre, heavenlyfilms, heavenlyfilms-official, saintetienne, bobpetesarah)

January 23, 2021


January 23, 2021

Oslo 1998

Photograph by Stian Andersen

(saintetienne, by, stianandersen, stian-andersen-oslo, 1998, goodhumor, promotrip, bobstanley, sarahcracknell, petewiggs, oslo, norway, streetcorner, bobpetesarah)

January 22, 2021 (2 Photos)

Finisterre era Saint Etienne logo design by Paul Kelly.

(saintetienne, bandlogo, by, paulkelly, paulkellyfilm, stickerpostcard, for, finisterre, action, softlikeme, mantrarecordings, smashthesystem, heavenlyrecordings, royalfestivalhall, southbankcentre)

January 21, 2021

Pete Wiggs

Portrait by John Stoddart

(petewiggs, needhamsound, saintetienne, 1994, by, johnstoddart, stoddart_f22_photographer, wearing, paulsmithdesign, and, johnsmedleyknitwear, tigerbay, palemovie, bobpetesarah)

January 20, 2021 (Three Photos)

Cola Boy - 7 Ways To Love

We recorded the original version of this as we were itching to put out an italo house style record, but I guess the timing wasn't right to do it as Saint Etienne, so we released it under the Cola Boy name and made up a character called Jesse Chin to be the songwriter. Sarah sang the original version and we pressed up 500 white label 12 inch singles and Bob and I took them to various record shops like Zoom in Camden. They gave it a listen and said they'd take a few. It quickly became a club hit and then record companies got interested, which is when we passed the reigns to our dear departed friend Boy Naughty and Sarah's friend Janey Lee Grace who went on to record this version with Ian Catt at the controls. Fun times!

Pete Wiggs - January 2021

(colaboy, aka, saintetienne, with, janeyleegrace, and, boynaughty, andrewmidgely, 7waystolove, iancatt, aristarecords, 1991, clubhit, zoomrecords, djbillynasty, bobpetesarah)

January 19, 2021

Whispers in the powder room
Berlin 1999

Photograph by Rachael Cassells

(saintetienne, berlin, 1999, #by, rachaelcassells, rachaelpony, rachaelponycassells, powderroom, with, mac, maccosmetics, soundofwater, latemorning, boyiscrying, dontbackdown, bobpetesarah)

January 18, 2021

Hotel Etienne

Fond memories of doing this photo shoot with lovely Etienne Daho and the lads.

Sarah Cracknell - January 2021

Photograph by Nicolas Hidiroglou

(saintetiennedaho, etiennedaho, saintetienne, hesonthephone, hesinthebed, pyjamas, paris, photographby, nicolashidiroglou, hidiro, reserection, junglepulse, xamours, accident, weekendarome, bobpetesarah)

January 17, 2021

Baby You Can Drive My Car

That's Bob in the wellies with the Thunderbirds badge and me in space unicorn dungarees behind the wheels of his snazzy car circa 1968. A look we never revived. My lovely mum holding Bob's baby sister Julie and my older brother Steve sucking his fingers. Probably the oldest photo documenting me and Bob's 50+ years friendship. Yikes!

Pete Wiggs - January 2021

The pillar-box red Duke Car was my pride and joy! That's the back garden at 17 Hartswood Avenue in Woodhatch, Surrey - the house was on the cover of Home Counties.

Bob Stanley - January 2021

(bobandpete, triangduke, pedalcar, triangtoys, triang, hartswoodavenue, woodhatch, surrey, 1968, homecounties, thunderbirdsarego, gerryanderson, saintetienne)

January 16, 2021 (5 Photos)

London Conversations
The Best Of Saint Etienne.

Photography by John Stoddart
Sleeve notes by Jon Savage

(londonconversations, thebestof, saintetienne, a, 2008, singlescompilation, on, heavenlyrecordings, HVNLP69, with, sleevenotes, by, jonsav1966, bobpetesarah)

January 15, 2021 (4 Photos)

Red Kite

I live in a fairly rural setting and felt like creating some music that suited my surroundings while making a second solo album. I'd met Carwyn Ellis, whos an amazing instrumentalist and a great songwriter, and we thought it would be a lot of fun to write some songs and record an album together. We enlisted the help of the ever so talented Seb Lewsley as engineer and set up a makeshift studio in a nearby barn. One of the standout moments for me was dueting with the gorgeous Nicky Wire, we are the feather boa duo!

Sarah Cracknell - January 2021

What's your favourite song from Red Kite?

(redkite, sarahcracknell, carwynellis, colorama, seblewsley, seb-lewsley, nickywire, manics, manicstreetpreachers, nothinglefttotalkabout, waterfieldmark, ontheswings, takethesilver, with, robinbennett, artworkby, paulkelly, paulkellyfilm, cherryred, cherryredrecords)

January 14, 2021

Miss Selfridge

Sarah Cracknell: disco top £12.99 from Miss Selfridge

(missselfridge, discotop, disco, 12.99, andyet, classy, on, sarahcracknell, saintetienne, 2000, soundofwater, latemorning, dontbackdown, howweusedtolive)

January 13, 2021 (Three Photos)

What Have You Done Today Mervyn Day?

Saint Etienne presents a film about the Lower Lea Valley by Paul Kelly

We got a tip off about the plans for the Lower Lea Valley from a bloke called Redmond O'Neill at the Mayor of London's office - he cycled to work through it and said it was a fascinating, mostly derelict area of the city where they were hoping to clean up the old industrial land and build social housing (ah, the olden days). Paul Kelly and I went for a recce on a wet Wednesday and discovered it was isolated, smelly, filthy and full of wild one-off places. We spent three weeks shooting there in the summer of 2005. It's entirely unrecognisable now.

Bob Stanley - January 2021

We came up with the idea of having a paperboy delivering news of the successful Olympic bid as a way of navigating the vast site. The role was somewhat reluctantly accepted by my nephew Noah who, we soon discovered, couldn’t actually ride a bike. The weather was amazing and each day we would shoot from 7am to midday before heading to the pub to work out the following day’s shot list.

Paul Kelly - January 2021

Artwork and photography by Paul Kelly
Poster and DVD/soundtrack album available from:

(whathaveyoudonetoday, mervynday, saintetienne, film, directedby, paulkelly, paulkellyfilm, with, bobstanley, petewiggs, noahkelly, davidessex, lindarobson, kevinpearce, producedby, andrewhinton, releasedby, heavenlyfilms, alsoavailableon, theBFIplayer, BFI, bfiplayer)

January 12, 2021 (Two Photos)

a cup of tea, a bun

Photography by Aude Prieur

(marioscafe, acupofteawith, saintetienne, tea, cha, yorkshiretea, twinings, tetley, bobpetesarah, london, ninties)

January 11, 2021 (Three Photos)

Side Streets 2005

The lyrics to this were written when I was living back in Croydon. On my way into London I'd be confronted by lurid local news headlines detailing the latest stabbings, murders, robberies, etc, and on the way home it was often pub, club turning out time with an associated lairy, fighty atmosphere. So the song is about shielding yourself both physically and mentally, and the lightness of the music represents the bubble that the character in the song lives in to not let the world get to her.

Pete Wiggs - January 2021

Sleeve artwork by: Lora Findlay

(sidestreets, murderineminor, saintetienne, croydonliving, londoncommuting, croydon, london, sanctuary, 2005, petewiggs, bobstanley, sarahcracknell, bobpetesarah, with, iancatt, andartworkby, lorafindlay)

January 10, 2021

Lemmy Kilmister

I met Lemmy a couple of times and he was always lovely! The first time was at Hultsfred festival in Sweden in the mid 90s, but this photo was taken backstage in London some time later during his tash free phase. I'd been a Motorhead fan since my teens when me and my best buddy Mick Bund went to see the original Fast Eddie, Phil Taylor line up at Hammersmith Odeon.

Sarah Cracknell - January 2021

Photograph by: Awais Butt

(lemmyandsarah, lemmykilmister, sarahcracknell, motörhead, meets, saintetienne, london, aceofspades, overkill, damagecase #bomber, wearetheroadcrew, nosleeptilhammersmith, motorhead)

January 9, 2021

Sexy Prince

This was taken for a Melody Maker feature. I think Pete's shirt read sexy prince czechos. I can't remember why, something to do with King Rollo I think!?

Bob Stanley - January 2021

I'd like to think that we turned up to the photo shoot and were presented with some plain t-shirts and a bunch of sharpies and told away you go, but that still doesn't really explain the choice of slogan! Maybe Bob's had a powerful political statement on it.

Pete Wiggs - January 2021

Photograph by Stephen Sweet

(bobandpete, bobstanley, petewiggs, saintetienne, melodymaker, 1991, sexyprinceczechos, kingrollo, kingrollofilms, stephensweet, foxbasealpha)

January 8, 2021 (Two Photos)

Hug My Soul

Promo Postcard

Hear Saint Etienne talking exclusively to Steve Lamacq of Radio One's evening session

(hugmysoul, newsingle, promotionalpostcard, postcard, 1994, stevelamacq, steve-lamacq, bbcradio1, creationcall, 0891number, creationrecords, heavenlyrecordings, saintetienne, sarahcracknell, jonnymale, guybatson)

January 7, 2021

Saint Etienne Daho

Sarah Cracknell and Etienne Daho - Cafe de la Danse, Paris

Photograph by: Antoine Blino (antblino)

(etiennedaho, sarahcracknell, saintetiennedaho, popicons, backstage, paris, 2002, purepop, frenchpop, leatherjacket, resurection, junglepulse, hesonthephone, weekendarome, saintetienne)

January 6, 2021


Photograph: Hamish Brown

(london, 1998, photographyby, hamishbrown, goodhumor, bobpetesarah, saintetienne, sarahcracknell, petewiggs, bobstanley, splitscreen, ericaamerica, losethatgirl, camelcoat)

January 5, 2021 (Two photos)

Blades Love Machine - 1991

Our attempt at a breakbeat record, hardcore u know the score. Rather scuppered by the rapper Blade appearing at roughly the same time. Also rather scuppered by the fact it wasn't very good. But it does have a classic RMS inscription in the run out groove - the mastering room upstairs at no.1 Broadway Market in Hackney (downstairs was derelict at the time), run by Keith who looked like Lemmy but was the best in the business at mastering dancehall, hardcore, anything with plenty of bottom end.

Bob Stanley - January 2021

The yin to 7 Ways To Love's yang perhaps. My copy has gone astray so I can't tell whether or not time has been kind to this extra-Etienne Detroit meets Breakbeat effort. Fun Fact: Blade is my youngest brother's nickname, I rarely use his real name, but he doesn't actually feature on the record.

Pete Wiggs - January 2021

(bladeslovemachine, whitelabel, 200pressing, soldvia, flying, blackmarket, catchagroove, roughtrade, bobstanley, petewiggs, with, iancatt, breakbeat, hardcore, rms, broadwaymarket, london, 1991)

January 4, 2021 (Three photos)

Gerry and Dodie

I was really sad to hear the news about Gerry Marsden. My mum, Julie Samuel, starred as his girlfriend Dodie in Ferry Cross The Mersey when she was just 19. They got along really well and she has always said what a lovely person he was. They kept in touch and she's understandably quite upset today.

Sarah Cracknell - 4th January 2021

(gerrymarsden, gerryandthepacemakers, ferrycrossthemersey, with, juliesamuel, as, dodie, andwithgerryon, readysteadygo, with, cathymcgowan, youllneverwalkalone, dontletthesuncatchyoucrying, sarahcracknell, saintetienne)

January 3, 2021 (Four Photos)


Taken from the 2019 Tiger Bay Box Set

(tigerbay, tigerbaybox, boxset, heavenlyrecordings, hvnlp8se, remainsoftheday, tapestry, likeamotorway, palemovie, hugmysoul, sushirider, hateyourdrug, crockofthebay, bobpetesarah, saintetienne)

January 2, 2021 (Two Photos)

Brighton Rock 1998

Photography by: Elaine Constantine

(brightonrock, saintetienne, bobpetesarah, bobstanley, petewiggs, sarahcracknell, brightonbeach, brighton, sunset, beachwalk, 1998, goodhumor, elaineconstantine, stussy, johnsmedley)

January 1, 2021

4 Years and 6 Months

A specially designed poster for what was a wonderful, optimistic night spent in Glasgow with our friends The Pastels. Hotel breakfast the morning after with the band was very subdued.

Pete Wiggs - January 1st 2021

(thepastels, gerrylove, gerardlove, andrewdivine, stephenmcrobbie, glasgowschoolofart, monorailmusic, glasgow, 23june2016, referendumnight, bobpetesarah, saintetienne)

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