Title on spine reads 'Bob Stanley & Pete Wiggs Present State Of The Union'
Bonus LP Cut: Louis Armstrong And His Friends - Give Peace A Chance
Front Cover Photo: Children play in yard of Ruston home, while Tacoma smelter stack sowers area with arsenic and lead residue
Saint Etienne Quote
"By 1968, it seemed the whole of America - not just its youth - felt something was going badly wrong, with Vietnam, assassinations, race riots, and ever-climbing divorce rates, the American way of life was under scrutiny from all sides. These songs display a vulnerability that the Greatest Generation (Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin) and the pre-Beatles generation (Dion, Bobby Darrin, The Beach Boys, The 4 Seasons) had never experienced before. It's the sound of a country trying to work it's way out of a crisis."